- glidertools.processing.calc_par(par_raw, dives, depth, time, scale_factor_wet_uEm2s, sensor_output_mV, curve_max_depth=80, verbose=True)
Calculates the theoretical PAR based on an exponential curve fit.
The processing steps are:
par_scaling (factory cal sheet scaling)
par_dark_count (correct deep par values to 0 using 5th %)
par_fill_surface (return the theoretical curve of par based exponential fit)
- Parameters:
data (All inputs must be ungridded np.ndarray or pd.Series)
par_raw (array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ]) – raw PAR
dives (array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ]) – the dive count (round is down dives, 0.5 up dives)
depth (array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ]) – in metres
time (array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ]) – as a np.datetime64 array
- Returns:
par_filled – PAR with filled surface values.
- Return type:
array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ]