- glidertools.processing.calc_oxygen(o2raw, pressure, salinity, temperature, lat, lon)
This function processes oxygen.
It is assumed umol/kg are passed as input. The units are automatically detected by looking at the mean ratio. Below are some conversions to help with the Oxygen units: If your oxygen values have units ml/L use the conversion function oxygen_ml_per_l_to_umol_per_kg
- Parameters:
o2raw (array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ]) – raw oxygen in umol/kg
pressure (array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ])
salinity (array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ])
temperature (array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ])
lat (np.array / pd.Series, dtype=float, shape=[n, ]) – The latitude of the glider position.
lon (np.array / pd.Series, dtype=float, shape=[n, ]) – The longitude of the glider position.
- Returns:
o2mll (array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ]) – oxygen concentration in mL/L
o2pct (array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ]) – theoretical oxygen saturation percentage
o2aou (array, dtype=float, shape=[n, ]) – apparent oxygen utilisation based on measured oxygen and oxygen saturation.