Loading data
To start using Glider Tools you first need to import the package to the interactive workspace.
Import GliderTools
# pylab for more MATLAB like environment and inline displays plots below cells
%pylab inline
# if gsw Warning shows, manually install gsw if possible - will still work without
import glidertools as gt
from cmocean import cm as cmo # we use this for colormaps
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
Working with Seaglider base station files
GliderTools supports loading Seaglider files, including scicon
data (different sampling frequencies).
There is a function that makes it easier to find variable names that you’d like to load: gt.load.seaglider_show_variables
This function is demonstrated in the cell below.
The function accepts a list of file names and can also receive a string with a wildcard placeholder (*
) and basic regular expressions are also supported. In the example below we use a simple asterisk placeholder for all the files.
Note that the function chooses only one file from the passed list or glob string - this file name will be shown. The returned table shows the variable name, dimensions, units and brief comment if it is available.
filenames = '/Users/luke/Work/Data/sg542/p5420*.nc'
information is based on file: /Users/luke/Work/Data/sg542/p5420177.nc
<table will be displayed here>
Working with VOTO Seaexplorer files or xarray-datasets
Glidertools supports loading Seaexplorer files. This is implemented and tested with VOTO https://observations.voiceoftheocean.org
_ datasets in mind currently, but we are happy about feedback/pullrequests how it works for other SeaExplorer datasets. VOTO data can either be downloaded from the website using a browser or, more comfortable, from an ERDAP server https://erddap.observations.voiceoftheocean.org/erddap/index.html
_ . See the demo notebook <https://github.com/voto-ocean-knowledge/download_glider_data>
_ to get started with downloads over the API.
After download of a .nc file or xarray-Dataset, it can be read into Glidertools by calling gt.load.voto_seaexplorer_nc
or gt.load.voto_seaexplorer_dataset
respectively. Resulting datasets can be merged by calling gt.load.voto_concat_datasets
. The import of the data into GliderTools is hereby finished, remaining steps on this wiki-page are optional.
Load variables
From the variable listing, one can choose multiple variables to load. Note that one only needs the variable name to load the data. Below, we’ve created a list of variables that we’ll be using for this demo.
The gt.load.seaglider_basestation_netCDFs
function is used to load a list of variables. It requires the filename string or list (as described above) and keys. It may be that these variables are not sampled at the same frequency. In this case, the loading function will load the sampling frequency dimensions separately. The function will try to find a time variable for each sampling frequency/dimension.
Coordinates and automatic time fetching
All associated coordinate variables will also be loaded with the data if coordinates are documented. These may included latitude, longitude, depth and time (naming may vary). If time cannot be found for a dimension, a time variable from a different dimension with the same number of observations is used instead. This insures that data can be merged based on the time of sampling.
Merging data based on time
If the return_merged
is set to True, the function will merge the dimensions if the dimension has an associated time variable.
The function returns a dictionary of xarray.Datasets
- a Python package that deals with coordinate indexed multi-dimensional arrays. We recommend that you read the documentation (http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/) as this package is used throughout GliderTools. This allows the original metadata to be copied with the data. The dictionary keys are the names of the dimensions. If return_merged
is set to True an additional entry under the key merged
will be included.
The structure of a dimension output is shown below. Note that the merged data will use the largest dimension as the primary dataset and the other data will be merged onto that time index. Data is linearly interpolated to the nearest time measurement of the primary index, but only by one measurement to ensure transparancy.
names = [
ds_dict = gt.load.seaglider_basestation_netCDFs(
filenames, names,
DIMENSION: sg_data_point
ctd_pressure, eng_wlbb2flvmt_wl470sig, eng_wlbb2flvmt_wl700sig, temperature,
ctd_time, ctd_depth, latitude, aanderaa4330_dissolved_oxygen, salinity,
eng_wlbb2flvmt_Chlsig, longitude
100%|██████████| 336/336 [00:04<00:00, 73.66it/s]
DIMENSION: qsp2150_data_point
{eng_qsp_PARuV, time}
100%|██████████| 336/336 [00:01<00:00, 181.67it/s]
Merging dimensions on time indicies: sg_data_point, qsp2150_data_point,
The returned data contains the dimensions of the requested variables a merged
object is also returned if return_merged=True
dict_keys(['sg_data_point', 'qsp2150_data_point', 'merged'])
Metadata handling
If the keyword arguement keep_global_attrs=True
, the attributes from the original files (for all that are the same) are passed on to the output Datasets from the original netCDF attributes. The variable attributes (units, comments, axis…) are passed on by default, but can also be set to False if not wanted. GliderTools functions will automatically pass on these attributes to function outputs if a xarray.DataArray
with attributes is given.
All functions applied to data will also be recorded under the variable attribute processing
The merged dataset contains all the data interpolated to the nearest observation of the longest dimension the metadata is also shown for the example below
Dimensions: (merged: 382151)
ctd_depth (merged) float64 -0.08821 0.018 ... -0.1422
latitude (merged) float64 -42.7 -42.7 ... -43.0 -43.0
longitude (merged) float64 8.744 8.744 ... 8.5 8.5
ctd_time_dt64 (merged) datetime64[ns] 2015-12-08T07:36:16 ...
Dimensions without coordinates: merged
Data variables:
ctd_pressure (merged) float64 -0.08815 0.01889 ... -0.1432
eng_wlbb2flvmt_wl470sig (merged) float64 375.0 367.0 ... 98.0 91.0
eng_wlbb2flvmt_wl700sig (merged) float64 2.647e+03 ... 137.0
temperature (merged) float64 11.55 11.54 ... 11.06 10.97
ctd_time (merged) float64 1.45e+09 ... 1.455e+09
aanderaa4330_dissolved_oxygen (merged) float64 nan nan nan ... 269.1 269.1
salinity (merged) float64 nan nan nan ... 34.11 34.11
eng_wlbb2flvmt_Chlsig (merged) float64 145.0 126.0 ... 215.0 215.0
dives (merged) float64 1.0 1.0 1.0 ... 344.5 344.5
eng_qsp_PARuV (merged) float64 0.551 0.203 ... 0.021 0.023
time (merged) float64 1.45e+09 ... 1.455e+09
time_dt64 (merged) datetime64[ns] 2015-12-08T07:36:16 ...
date_created: 2019-07-11 14:08:40
number_of_dives: 344.0
files: ['p5420001.nc', 'p5420002.nc', 'p5420004.nc', '...
time_coverage_start: 2015-12-08 07:36:16
time_coverage_end: 2016-02-08 04:39:04
geospatial_vertical_min: -0.6323553853732649
geospatial_vertical_max: 1011.1000623417478
geospatial_lat_min: -43.085757609206
geospatial_lat_max: -42.70088638031523
geospatial_lon_min: 8.29983279020758
geospatial_lon_max: 8.7753734452125
processing: [2019-07-11 14:08:40] imported data with Glider...
Renaming for ease of access
When renaming, just be sure that there are no variables with names that you are trying to replace. In the example below we remove time
in case it exists in the files.
# Here we drop the time variables imported for the PAR variable
# we don't need these anymore. You might have to change this
# depening on the dataset
merged = ds_dict['merged']
if 'time' in merged:
merged = merged.drop(["time", "time_dt64"])
# To make it easier and clearer to work with, we rename the
# original variables to something that makes more sense. This
# is done with the xarray.Dataset.rename({}) function.
# We only use the merged dataset as this contains all the
# imported dimensions.
# NOTE: The renaming has to be specific to the dataset otherwise an error will occur
dat = merged.rename({
'salinity': 'salt_raw',
'temperature': 'temp_raw',
'ctd_pressure': 'pressure',
'ctd_depth': 'depth',
'ctd_time_dt64': 'time',
'ctd_time': 'time_raw',
'eng_wlbb2flvmt_wl700sig': 'bb700_raw',
'eng_wlbb2flvmt_wl470sig': 'bb470_raw',
'eng_wlbb2flvmt_Chlsig': 'flr_raw',
'eng_qsp_PARuV': 'par_raw',
'aanderaa4330_dissolved_oxygen': 'oxy_raw',
# variable assignment for conveniant access
depth = dat.depth
dives = dat.dives
lats = dat.latitude
lons = dat.longitude
time = dat.time
pres = dat.pressure
temp = dat.temp_raw
salt = dat.salt_raw
par = dat.par_raw
bb700 = dat.bb700_raw
bb470 = dat.bb470_raw
fluor = dat.flr_raw
# name coordinates for quicker plotting
x = dat.dives
y = dat.depth