-, multiplier=1.5)
Mask values outside the upper/lower outlier limits by interquartile range:
\[\begin{split}lim_{low} = Q_1 - 1.5\cdot(Q_3 - Q_1)\\ lim_{up} = Q_3 + 1.5\cdot(Q_3 - Q_1)\end{split}\]the multiplier [1.5] can be adjusted by the user returns the lower_limit, upper_limit
- Parameters:
arr (np.array|xr.DataArray, dtype=float, shape=[n, ]) – the full timeseries of the entire dataset
multiplier (float=1.5) – sets the interquartile range
- Returns:
arr – A data object where values outside the limits are masked. Metdata will be preserved if the original input array is xr.DataArray
- Return type:
array | xarray.DataArray