-, depth, raw, baseline, spikes, name=None, pcolor_kwargs={})
A report for the results of cleaning.despike.
The function creates a figure object of 3 subplots containing a pcolormesh of the original data, the despiked data and the spikes calculated from the cleaning.despike function.
- Parameters:
dives (numpy.ndarray or pandas.Series) – The dive count (round is down dives, 0.5 is up dives)
depth (numpy.ndarray or pandas.Series) – The depth array in metres
raw (numpy.ndarray or pandas.Series) – Array of data variable for cleaning to be performed on.
baseline (numpy.ndarray or pandas.Series) – The baseline from which outliers are determined.
spikes (numpy.ndarray or pandas.Series) – Spikes are the residual of [measurements - baseline].
name (str) – String name for the figure header, if None will try to get a pandas. from raw.
pcolor_kwargs (dict) – A dictionary of keyword arguements passed to pcolormesh.
- Returns:
figure – Creates a figure object with 3 subplots containing a pcolormesh of the original data, the despiked data and the spikes calculated from the cleaning.despike function.
- Return type: