- glidertools.physics.brunt_vaisala(salt, temp, pres, lat=None)
Calculate the square of the buoyancy frequency.
This is a copy from GSW package, with the exception that the array maintains the same shape as the input. Note that it only works on ungridded data at the moment.
\[\]N^{2} = frac{-g}{sigma_{theta}} frac{dsigma_{theta}}{dz}
- Parameters:
SA (array-like) – Absolute Salinity, g/kg
CT (array-like) – Conservative Temperature (ITS-90), degrees C
p (array-like) – Sea pressure (absolute pressure minus 10.1325 dbar), dbar
lat (array-like, 1-D, optional) – Latitude, degrees.
axis (int, optional) – The dimension along which pressure increases.
- Returns:
N2 – Buoyancy frequency-squared at pressure midpoints, 1/s. The shape along the pressure axis dimension is one less than that of the inputs.
- Return type: