- glidertools.optics.par_scaling(par_uV, scale_factor_wet_uEm2s, sensor_output_mV)
Scaling correction for par with factory calibration coefficients.
The function subtracts the sensor output from the raw counts and divides with the scale factor. The factory calibrations are unique for each deployment and should be taken from the calibration file for that deployment.
- Parameters:
par_uV (numpy.ndarray or pandas.Series) – The raw par data with units uV.
scale_factor_wet_uEm2s (float) – The scale factor from the factory calibration file in units uE/m2/sec.
sensor_output_mV (float) – The sensor output in the dark from the factory calibration file in units mV.
par_uEm2s (numpy.ndarray or pandas.Series) – The par data corrected for the sensor output and scale factor from the factory calibration file in units uE/m2/sec.