- glidertools.calibration.bottle_matchup(gld_dives, gld_depth, gld_time, btl_depth, btl_time, btl_values, min_depth_diff_metres=5, min_time_diff_minutes=120)
Performs a matchup between glider and bottle samples based on time and depth (or density).
- Parameters:
gld_depth (np.array, dtype=float) – glider depth at time of measurement
gld_dives (np.array, dtype=float) – dive index of the glider (given by glider toolbox)
gld_time (np.array, dtype=datetime64) – glider time that will be used as primary indexing variable
btl_time (np.array, dtype=datetime64) – in-situ bottle sample’s time
btl_depth (np.array, dtype=float) – depth of in-situ sample
btl_values (np.array, dtype=float) – the value that will be interpolated onto the glider time and depth coordinates (time, depth/dens)
min_depth_diff_metres (float, default=5) – the minimum allowable depth difference
min_time_diff_minutes (float, default=120) – the minimum allowable time difference between bottles and glider
- Returns:
array – Returns the bottle values in the format of the glider i.e. the length of the output will be the same as gld_*
- Return type: